privacy policy

Definition of personal information
Personal information refers to information provided by you that can identify you as a specific individual, such as your name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
Collection of personal information
Our sports club will specify and publicize or notify the purpose of use as much as possible, clearly state it as necessary, and collect personal information by appropriate means, limited to the scope necessary for the purpose of use. Specifically, personal information held by our sports club will be used for the following purposes:

・Sports club operation (facility management, program creation, event planning and hosting, membership fee billing, membership fee collection, and other related tasks)
・Sports club membership solicitation
Management of personal information
The personal information you provide will be strictly managed in an appropriate manner and supervised appropriately in accordance with our privacy policy.
Use of personal information
It will not be used for any purpose other than providing services to our sports club.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Our sports club does not sell or lend any personal information we obtain. However, this does not apply in the following cases.

・When we have the consent of the customer
・When we receive an inquiry from a public institution such as a court or the police through procedures based on the provisions of laws and regulations
Revision of Privacy Policy
Our sports club's privacy policy may be revised in consideration of changes in related laws and social conditions.
In that case, we will notify you by posting it on this page.
Continuous improvement of compliance
Our sports club will continually improve its internal management system (compliance program) to protect personal information.