List of questions

Can I use it without becoming a member?
Although our company operates on a membership basis, there are systems available to non-members as well.
Visitor: 2,000 yen (excluding tax) / once Accompanying visitor: 1,500 yen (excluding tax) / once Family: 650 yen / once Enrollment fee: 5,000 yen (excluding tax)
Can I tour the facility before joining?
Tours of the facility are available at any time during business hours.
What do I need when joining? Do I need a photo?
You will need a membership fee of 5,000 yen (excluding tax) , 2 months' worth of monthly membership fees, a bankbook (branch name and account number), a bank-registered seal, and a proof of identity (driver's license, health insurance card, residence card), etc. A member photo will be taken at the front desk upon enrollment.
At what age can I join? (Fitness membership)
Those over 15 years old (junior high school students not allowed). Those under 18 years of age will need written consent from a guardian.